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where is my name, vianna originated?

people keep asking me, kenapa nama pelik? hoho. what to say? entah lah. memang pelik pun. sebab nama adik-beradik yang lain tak as weird as me. mix feeling. entah. tak tahu rasa apa. certain people ni, gedik2 tak suka nama yang parents dorang bagi. katanya, tak sedap lah, kampung lah, nak tukar nama lah. apedaaa. bersyukur sudah. parents always knows better. and they always does. masa dorang letak nama tu, for sure dorang nak letak nama yang ada best meaning and good meaning untuk anak2 dia. apelah. tapi, in this globalisation era, actually, i am the one who being influenced to. maknanya, kan dlm dunia yang dah makin maju and berteknologi ni, fikiran ibu bapa pun makin kreatif. nama anak2 pun makin pelik2 sampai tergeliat lidah nak sebut. contohnya, qhaireen syammeeme badrisyah quraishah (tiada kena mengena antara yang hidup, mati ataupun pengsan. pakai reka je ni) so, as weird as strange as my name. urrrmmmm, rasanya i suka lah nama i tu. heheheheehehehhheheheh. :pp

ayah kata, nama tu ia originated masa ayah and ibu pergi vienna,austria. they did not went together. tapi berkenan dengan nama tu. cuma ayah kata, taknak tiru bulat speling ''vienna'' tu. ayah change to ''vianna'' , dengar cerita, ibu tak suka. ibu nak original ''vienna'' tapi entah ler tahu2 je dalam ic and birth certificate akhirnya jadi ''nurul vianna binti nasir'' . hahahahaa. whenever people ask about this matter, i would just tell the truth lah. tapi, ayah tak kasi. ayah suruh cakap mcm ni, ''actually, masa nak daftarkan kt balai polis, nak buat surat beranak, polis tu tersalah tulis. nak letak nurul dianna. dia tulis nurul vianna.'' haha. tapi, aku ni tak pernah pun nak guna pakai idea tu. sebabnya, beza huruf antara D and V sangat lah berbeza, ayah. the police wont get wrong, and people may think deeply about it. haha maaf ayah. 

one day, a friend of me, who is sangat kelakar but at the same time, made me terasa sikit. he debated about my name. i told the truth. then, he answered, ''ouh, nasib baik ayah v tak pergi dubai ke, mumbai ke. kalau tak, dia mesti letak nama v nama negeri tu.'' -.-'' yolah. and pada suatu hari, aku pergi usrah. pasal kahwin2. ustazah cerita mcm mana nak jadi suami yang baik, isteri yang baik, mcm mana nk jaga family dan macam mana nak menjaga anak. ustazah ada cakap, letak lah nama anak yang senonoh sikit, letak nama yang baik2. yang ada maksud. sebab kalau nama anak yang takde maksud, nanti kat akhirat, dia akan duduk kat belakang sekali di Padang Mahsyar. entah kenapa kan, aku tersentap sangat time tu. actually, aku tak pernah tahu maksud sebenar nama aku. kata2 ustazah asyik terngiang-ngiang je. balik tu, memang aku terus goggle lah kan. tapiiiiiiiiiiiii. satu pun takde. takde satu pun maksud yang ada dalam nama-nama islam. malam tu, entah lah aku rasa mcm nak nangis. bukan nak salah kan ibu dengan ayah. tapi, entah. sebab aku sendiri gagal cari makna sebenar nama aku sendiri. i have friend, dia sentiasa menyejukkan hati aku. dia selalu ada kalau aku nak nangis, nak someone untuk cerita. nama dia farhan(apai). dia kata, takpela, kan nama kau ada 'nurul' maksud dia cahaya kan? dia seolah-olah faham je perasaan aku. eventhough aku tak cerita apa yang aku rasa, aku just cakap ''wehh, aku tak jumpa lah apa maksud nama aku.'' dia memang seorang kawan yang baik kan? hahaah sejukk sikit hati aku.

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hahaahahah jumpa dalam bahasa latin pun jadi lahhh. maknanya, ALIVE. hahahahaahahahah long-live vianna !!! weeeeeeee (nak sedapkan hati) :'(

okay, untuk menyejukkan hati yang gundah, jom, nak share sikit pasal vianna ni.

About Vianna Stibal

Vianna Stibal is a grandmother, an artist and a writer. Her natural charisma and compassion for those in need of help have also given her the ability to be titled intuitive and teacher.

After being taught how to connect with the Creator to co-create and facilitate this unique process called ThetaHealing®, Vianna knew that she must share this gift with as many people as she could. It was this love and appreciation for the Creator and humankind that allowed her to develop the ability to see clearly into the human body and witness many instantaneous healings.

Her encyclopedic knowledge of the body's systems and deep understanding of the human psyche, based on her own experience as well as the insight given to her by the Creator, makes Vianna the perfect practitioner of this amazing technique. She has successfully worked with such medical challenges as Hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr, AIDS, herpes, tumors, various types of cancers, and many other conditions, diseases and genetic defects.

Vianna knows that the ThetaHealing® technique is teachable, but beyond that she knows that it needs to be taught. Vianna conducts seminars all over the world to teach people of all races, beliefs and religions. She has trained teachers and practitioners who are working in fourteen countries, but her work will not stop there! Vianna is committed to spreading this healing paradigm throughout the world.

okay, model okayyyy ! hahahaah tapi sampai bila2 pun i cant be as hot as these model kan? mimpi lah. tapi, tak pernah mimpi pun nak jadi model. terbalik lah dunia kalau aku jadi model. hehe. and,,,,, not forgotted, lets talk about vienna.

hahahahaah. ni negara aku, jangan kacau! haha no lah. aku tetap tak murtad from malaysia. as far as i know. Vienna ni ibu negeri untuk Austria. mcm negara kita lah, negara kita ibu negeri adalah Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur kan. sedikit tentang sejarah Vienna, masa 1804, negara ni pernah menjadi tanah jajahan di bawah empayar austian dan memaminkan peranan yang sangat besar dalam politik di eropah. dulu, negara ni terkenal sebagai pusat musik klasik sehingga viennesse school is applied. dalam aspek politik, vienna menggunakan social democratic party of Austria. tu je aku tahu hahhaahahaha. so, last words, doa kan lah aku berjaya kat mana2 pun, di Malaysia, Vienna or kat mana2 pun. bersyukur dan sukailah nama ada. mesti ada hikmahnya. heeee :D

pity me


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