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A Start Fresh


hello everybody. its sunday and it is 4 days being sarawak! mula-mula rasa sedih sangat nak tinggalkan semenanjung and now, it seems like i'll be okay in sarawak since orang-orang dekat sini baik sangat-sangat and makanan semua sumpah sedap gila.

as being told, i tak dapat kolej. and this is my first time ever duduk rumah sewa since 3 years being a student. mula-mula rasa kekok and culture shock sebab selalunya kalau duduk hostel jarang sekali and dilarang jalan-jalan dkt hostel lelaki, nanti kena sound or kena saman dgn pak guard. but now, duduk rumah sewa, tgh basuh tangan, pandang tingkap, tiba-tiba ada lelaki jalan depan rumah. bapak terkejutnya! haha. rumah sewa dekat sini facilities sangat baik. nama rumah apple cross. serious rasa macam duduk condo dah lah dekat gila dengan kampus. sebulan 122 with fully furnished and dkt depan rumah ada playground, kedai makan, dobi, cyber cafe and kedai printing. dapat bilik sorang pulak tu. hehe
kampus was okay. classmates and lecturer juga. for now, baru masuk kelas public relation and third language. the lecturer pun takdela pakai bahasa sarawak. they use english and it is easier. dekat sini ada banyak course. ada engineering, management and science. macam jakun kejap bila jumpa makmal pengcahayaan, makmal kimia, makmal fizik dan lain-lain. gadis-gadis dekat sini semua cantik-cantik okay. dorang putih-putih, sopan and bahasa dorang lembut sikit. so memang kena cover and control sikit bahasa kita.

housemates pun okay. so basically, student lendu yang dah dicelupkan ke kampus samarahan ni ada 7 orang je. 2 lelaki and 5 perempuan and kami serumah. kami serumah dgn 2 pelajar asal from sarawak, mas and ema. dprang baik gila kot and friendly and happening. sangat supportive. semalam dah memanjangkan kaki ke kuching! jalan2 dapat beg baru, dapat kasut baru, dapat perut baru! makan je dari pagi sampai ke malam! mula-mula makan mee kolok, abc special, abc laici, rojak buah, ayam bakar, sotong penyet, banana cheese and white lady drink. serious sedap gila! and jalan dekat sini susah nak jumpa flyover or traffic light sebab banyak roundabout and bulatannya sangat besar gila weyh! like boleh buat 3 biji rumah banglo dkt tengah2. and you know what, i drove and i feel the real awesomeness driving in kuching! hahaha

its a new start for me. 
one word, im not gonna repeat the old things
the new me with new achievement
i promise
insyaallah (:


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