it gonna be one of the last posts dalam 2012. i was shocked noticing my readers have reached until 52020 and ada one of my post sampai 3206 readers yang bertajuk 'Alhamdulillah'. I was giving my own tips on how to handle stress management by replacing them with 'Alhamdulillah' and with the huge number of viewers, I really hope it could slightly help. Hehe.
Indeed, 50k page viewers is a great numbers to me, tapi mungkin adalah jumlah yang sedikit kepada blog famous. I wonder, with my 50k viewers ni, mesti dorang dah baca habis semua posts kan? eei malunyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. dah lah banyak meroyan, post ntah apa2, english berterabur.
maaf lah
tapi serious malu. so di atas keseganan yang berlaku tadi i have taking action by deleting some posts yang macam !@#$%^&*()-=./?><
kalau ada posts yang still annoyed you guys, maaf lah ye. i have tried to be good and i will try to write even better.