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cant get enough words to say how much i love them so much much! my endless and infinity love goes to them, seriously! it took such a short time to know, to get comfort to be friend with them. the first day masuk bilik, dah cerita pasal my past. to me, they are just the best! even though kadang-kadang terpaksa layan kerenah kanak-kanak part one ni, haha but it was fun! tak tipu, sumpah. lagi i jadi mcm kanak-kanak lagi adalah. they call me baby panda! tang mana panda nya ntah. nampak tak i was bullied by them! tanpa segan silu buli senior! apa-apa pun, v sayang korg sgt2. sorry for all my wrongdoings! kalau v selalu ada terkecikkkkk kan hati korg, terbuat sepah, tak tutup alarm. -.- haha sorry tau. and, for my last words, do take care of your self dear mira, laila, amal and also razz(: journey korg jauh lagi. v pun sama. doakan v do well in degree. insyaallah aminnn. result pun tak keluar lg ni. stay safe aite? (: *amik tisu lap air mata*

ouh, nak tahu something tak, harini dah masuk 11 hari of holiday and indeed being away from them! entah mcm mana, tergerak hati nk check pendrive. konon nak delete apa yg patut. tengok-tengok ada satu video named 'FOR YOU VEE'. a very thoughtful and yet a memorable video by them! terima kasih sangat sangat sangat! alahai, memang surprise sgt. i dah upload dkt youtube. bisa tontonnya di link ini :D

THEM (":

Kini baru ku sedar,
cehh mcm lagu je.
now baru v sedar, ramai yg sayang v.
so tak payah kot nak jiwa kacau selalu sangat kankankan :p

to mira: selamat pengantin baru. belajar law elok2. jaga acap saya baik2! kirim salam dia.
to laila: congrats on your first hijab! be strong and v yakin dgn sifat keibuan laila tu, laila deserve to have a better man. he's there. cuma dia tgh main nyorok-nyorok je.
to amal: v akan jd the most happiest person bila tahu amal dah ada boyfriend nanti! tolong jgn jiwa kacau lg next sem dan tolong jgn songsang. love amal amal amal. 
to raz: raz selalu buat v ketawa terbahak-bahak tutup muka dgn bantal, gelak sorg2! bdk ni masuk air sikit. takpe, v bahagia. haha, apa punya ayat lah. mcm micheal jackson lah raz ni! btw, be strong, be consistent ok! 


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